sections can now reference labels, defines, AOBScan results, and allocs created in the section.NET(and mono) method detouring.NET info has a new contextmenu where you can create a detour template for the autoassembler fixed blocks for inline C coding (Check the forum, wiki, CE patreon discord or CE's youtube).fixed lua errors not giving a proper errormessage.fixed position saving for the foundcode dialog.

fixed handling of broken/empty language folders.processlist: Fixed the highlighted color process entries in light mode.foundlist: new scan now alsdo clears the saved results.foundlist: display type override also afffects the saved columns.fixed checkbox and radiobutton not sizing properly in dark mode.mono is less likely to disconnect when dissecting an invalid memory address.fixed auto attach not stopping the process flash.fixed brake and trace killing the debugger when skipping certain modules an failing in figuring out the return address.fixed disassembler issues/memory corruption when closing a secondary memoryview window.fixed loading back highligter config for auto assembler windows.added custom alignment option to the hexviewer section of the memoryviewer.break and trace: Added 'stay within module' option.

And stepover now steps over rep instructions